Duration 18:59

How to make Ma'amoul , معمول العيد بالبيت خطوة بخطوة بالتفصيل وبأسهل طريقة USA-ES

Published 5 May 2021

المكونات: طحين 1500 غرام سمنة حيواني 700 غرام سمنة بلدي 50 غرام سكر 250 غرام ماء بارد 250 غرام قطر 3 معالق كبار للحشوات تمر منزوع النوة 500 غرام سمنة بلدي 2 ملعقة كبيرة جوز 400 غرام سكر بودرة 5 ملعقة كبيرة قطر 9 ملعقة كبيرة تقريبا 1/3 كوب ماء زهر 1 ملعقة كبيرة سمنة بلدي 1 ملعقة كبيرة الفستق 400 غرام سكر بودرة 5 ملعقة كبيرة قطر 9 ملعقة كبيرة 1/3 كوب تقريبا ماء زهر 1 ملعقة كبيرة سمنة بلدي 1 ملعقة كبيرة نخبزهم في الفرن على درجة حرارة 220 في الرف الوسط و النار من الأعلى والأسفل لمدة 5 دقائق ثم نطفئ النار من الأعلى فقط و نبقيهم لمدة دقيقتين و النار من أسفل فقط . Ingredients: All purpose Flour 1500 g Pure Butter Ghee 700 g Ghee extracted from sheep's milk 50 g Sugar 250 g Cold water 250 g Sugar Syrup 3 tbsp For Stuffing 500 g dates Ghee extracted from sheep's milk 2 tbsp Walnuts 400 g Powdered sugar 5 tbsp Sugar Syrup 9 tbsp approximately 1/3 cup Orange Blossom water 1 tbsp Ghee extracted from sheep's milk 1 tbsp Pistachios 400 g Powdered sugar 5 tbsp Sugar Syrup 9 tbsp approximately 1/3 cup Orange Blossom water 1 tbsp Ghee extracted from sheep's milk 1 tbsp Bake them in the oven at 220 C in the middle shelf and fire from the top and bottom for 5 minutes then turn off the fire from the top only and keep them for 2 minutes Cooking Instruction: knead the flour and Ghee well. Divide the dough in 3 batches for ease. put the dough in the fridge for about 20 min to cool the ghee in it mix the cold sugar with water and the syrup, then add them to the dough in batches and knead it put the dough in the fridge again to cool for 20 - 30 minutes. take out the dough and start forming the Ma'amoul (without kneading them) as shown in the video. To prepare the dates: Remove the date seeds and put them in a pan with Ghee extracted from sheep's milk. Mix them well until they are well mixed In the food processor, chop the walnuts, then add the powdered sugar, syrup, water, Orange blossom water and Ghee extracted from sheep's milk. heat the oven at 220 degrees, put the tray on the middle shelf, turn on the fire from the top and the bottom, bake them for 5 minutes, then turn off the fire from the top and keep them for two minutes. Sprinkle on the walnuts and pistachios powdered sugar. Ready to serve now. Keep Ma'amoul in an airtight container. ______________________________________


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