Duration 13:53

The Awful Story of South America's Most Evil Dictator

174 426 watched
15.5 K
Published 18 Dec 2021

This is the story of state terror in Argentina in the ‘70s and ‘80s: what is traditionally called the “Dirty War.” It’s the story of how a military regime, led mainly by a dictator named Jorge Videla, tortured and killed tens of thousands of people while implementing neoliberal economic “reforms.” But it’s also the story of how they were helped along in that process by people like Henry Kissinger and Elliot Abrams – and how those accomplices were never punished. Pablo Pryluka, PhD student in Latin American history at Princeton University, explains. Citations: shorturl.at/fwBY6 These videos are 100 percent funded by small donations from people like you. And we really need your help. So if you can, join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gravelinstitute Or, if you prefer, give a one-time donation: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gi-youtube/?refcode=VIDEO&amount=4.20 And if you want, get some Institute merch: https://merch.gravelinstitute.org/ 0:00 Argentina's coup 2:25 State terror 6:11 Economic "reform" 7:52 American support 10:52 The regime falls 13:15 Credits


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Comments - 1717
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    @TheGravelInstitute3 years ago We're very proud to have done this video, and it'll be the first in a long series about the twentieth century - taking a global approach to understanding the aftermath of WWII, the Cold War, and how the world we live in was made. But we need your help! We're competing with groups that have 50 or 100 times the resources we do. So if you are able to, please support us on Patreon! We would be eternally grateful. .. ...Expand 1130
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    @bimmovieproductions63523 years ago Usa be like: " a regime is a success if we say it' s a success. " 1519
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    @knightlypoleaxe25013 years ago Henry kissinger; a perfect example of how to live without a heart for decades! 431
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    @akken21123 years ago Two centuries ago, a former european colony decided to catch up with europe. It succeeded so well that the united states of america became a monster, i frantz fanon. ...Expand 1004
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    @jrg28663 years ago The next time someone tries to tell me america is a sort ofon the world stage, i' m sending them this. 515
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    @jordanetherington19223 years ago My mother' s family escaped this dictatorship. They weren' t directly persecuted, but i feel that was more a matter of them getting lucky and reading the writing on the wall then anything else. 658
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    @3456353563 years ago As a Chilean, this story is both familiar and horrifying in a different way.
    In our case, extreme inequality and poverty lead to the election of President Salvador Allende, a socialist and the first Marxist to ever be democratically elected. Allendes government immediately set out to redistribute wealth, reform healthcare (his reforms as both President and his prior reforms as health minister were so effective that despite all that happened after, his reforms are the reason 91% of Chileans are fully vaccinated against COVID), nationalize our main natural resource (copper), reform education, and tried to unify the communist activists and party with his party, the socialist party, and center-left parties like the Democracia Cristiana (DC)(Cristian Democracy).
    In response, the US sent in the CIA to coordinate right-wing resistance and propaganda (including right-wing newspaper El Mercurio) and support the Chilean armed forces. They helped the nascent fascist activist group Patria y Libertad grow to prominence so that they could act as brown shirts, helped fund trucker strikes to internally sabotage the economy, externally blockaded the country financially, worked to make the DC hostile to Allende, helped get Allendes loyalist head of the army assassinated, and caused a fake shortage of goods so that breadlines and inflation would happen, among other things. Eventually, Allende declared hed do a public referendum to decide if he should stay or if new elections should happen. Initially, he wanted to do (or announce? Can't remember) this referendum on the 11th of September, 1973, however his new head of armed forces, General Augusto Pinochet, convinced Allende to move it forward a few days.
    The reason became clear on the 11th of September, 1973: the Chilean navy blockaded and invaded our main port city of Valparaiso, and the Chilean army besieged the government building, La Moneda, while two Chilean airforce bombers bombarded La Moneda. Allende, refusing to surrender, committed suicide after one last public broadcast, and then it was revealed that Augusto Pinochet was a leading member of the cue, becoming Chiles dictator.
    This is where it becomes familiar to Argentina: people were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and killed in an attempt to purge communism while the dictatorship implemented neoliberal policies by force, and Pinochet personally enriched himself through shady means.
    This came to an end with a referendum on 1988 and subsequent democratic elections in 1989. Pinochet and many others would not be prosecuted, and he would die in his home, surrounded by family, of old age in 2006. The Constitution written during the dictatorship is still ongoing today (although we recently elected to change it, and a new one is in process of being written). This Sunday, we will see if we can finally unshackle from the legacy of Pinochet and the CIA by either electing a social democrat Gabriel Boric, or a Pinochet supporter. Wish us luck.
    Edit: El Mercurio and the DC are still around and very influential in Chile. As for the artificial shortages, they were relieved the day of the 9/11 cue because soldiers found lots of unsold produce tucked away in storage rooms.
    Edit 2: the channel 3 Arrows talks about the Brazilian dictatorship, if youre interested in seeing how Operation: Condor affected the rest of South America. (
    Edit 3: Gabriel Boric has won a crushing victory against the Pinochet supporting candidate.
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    @SuperBlahmaster3 years ago The greatest argument against us living in a just universe is that henry kissinger is still alive. 217
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    @pucciox403 years ago The fact that the norwegian nobel committee in 1973 gave the nobel price for peace to kissinger is paradoxical. 239
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    @sebastianbardon3913 years ago I' m from argentina and this is spot on. The military killed and exiled thousands while destroying the economy, the external debt skyrocketed. Operation . ...Expand 233
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    @Druzidel3 years ago Whenever i hear actual history from perspectives outside the us, i realize just how close this country is to fascism. We have a veneer of andthat' s dictated by two conservative capitalist parties, which actually operate as one party when it comes to policies that matter, including foreign policy. It' s horrible. ...Expand 590
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    @missk16973 years ago America: " muh, how can the russians support assad? "
    also america:
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    @juanpedrofrereaffanni71513 years ago I' m really glad to see an american channel (and even better, with an argentinian presentator! Annalysedictatorship and the role played by the us. However, i think that something needs to be stressed more enfatically in your otherwise excellent video: this dictatorship, much like in the rest of thecase, was orchestrated purposefully to eliminate the very growing radical movement of workers and students (not necessarely guerrilla fighters, though many were involved with the armedit was no accident. It was a systematic, planned operation to recreate the class domination of the bourgeoisie, and impose neoliberal policies to a population that wouldn' have accepted them without repression. Thanks and congrats for the video, from buenos aires!. ...Expand 1157
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    @kailawkamo15683 years ago As a filipino, this hits way too close to home. This was even relatively around the same time we were under our own dictatorial regime. This was an international coordinated effort by the us. 124
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    @alfreportosnopek3 years ago I am argentinean, and it' s always heartbreaking this part of our story, and that till this day, there are a big size of the population is defending . ...Expand 388
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    @beckypotato32953 years ago I found out about this whole thing because when i was in high school i was interested in studying forensic anthropology and my dad told me argentina was . ...Expand 64
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    @alexthespacemonkey59263 years ago You should do a video on the pinochet regime in chile, the amount of people who think that monster was a hero is sickening. 375
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    @rubym3573 years ago So when mom' s family immigrated from italy after ww ii, 2 relatives went to argentina because they also have a huge italian immigrant population. During . ...Expand 122
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    @_cogojoe_3 years ago The military junta is hands down the worst government in argentine history. I mean they implemented devastating economic policies whilst literally exterminating . ...Expand 236
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    @thalesfelipevasconcelosdes71993 years ago No podemos esquecer nossa histriaque lutemos para que este fascismo militar no retorne ao nosso continente! 415
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    @user-em6ie2be7x3 years ago Despite america' s ideals ofit believes in imperialism more then other ideologies. 133
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    @lveganarchy22613 years ago Theres no money for social growth and development but theres plenty for mass torture and genocide. Awful history that has to be learned. Thank you for sharing. 168
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    @IsaFromUruguay3 years ago My dad went through this in argentina after fleeingdictatorship in uruguay. He lost so many friends to the ' death flights' and was in captivity for 2 years. I' m very grateful that he survived and never gave up. Thanks for making this video!. ...Expand 85
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    @1000xtati3 years ago And i thought pinochet was the worst dictator supported by the us in latin america. Never knew about an argentinian one. And one of the men that worked . ...Expand 75
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    @Anthony-nd6vk3 years ago This is so important, and it their are practically no avenues through which it is taught about in the us. This needs to be shared widely. 66
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    @camilacurtoni17393 years ago Great video! My great grandfather was disappeared and murdered in this dictatorship, the officers that took part in it are old and in jail, however they . ...Expand 83
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    @hobosorcerer3 years ago This is gut wrenching, truly. Sometimes i wish i could go numb to this, but it' s better to feel disgust than nothing. 43
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    @Chanderson963 years ago I just finished a latin american politics class this semester. Thankfully, im a bit older and have done a lot of reading on my own, and would constantly c thank you guys for your work. Keep it up!. ...Expand 256
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    @intricatic3 years ago It never ceases to amaze me how sickening it is what my country has done around the world with tax dollars, while preaching free markets. 19
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    @migi39763 years ago I moved to the us at a young age from argentina, everything my parents told me about their time living under the dictatorship lines up with this. 34
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    @JEffinger3 years ago The only thing worse than being an american citizen with less rights than corporations is not being an american and being subject to american foreign policy. 36
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    @Goodlordwhatshappeninginthere3 years ago At this point reagan may as well be a synonym for wrong. The best advice i can give for how to live your life is if you think ronald reagan might have done it, do whatever the opposite of it is. 55
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    @DefDre3 years ago Since you touched oncondor" it would be greatly appreciated if you could do a video on augusto pinochet, milton friedman, and the chicago boys. 49
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    @xMarrilliamsx3 years ago Holy shit, i did not know about the details around this time in argentinian history. It' s so absolutely disgusting and shameful, i' m not really surprised that the us had a role in it all too. 47
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    @atashikokoni3 years ago Glad to see stories like this being told. It' s important to know about these things if we' re to have any chance of preventing similar things in the future. 48
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    @ritac22143 years ago My family were leftists in argentina, my parent' s lived in constant fear as children the family would be disappeared in the early years of the dictatorship. . ...Expand 20
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    @jasonhenriques44653 years ago This is why when the us says its supports democracy abroad when its hilarious its only goal abroad has only ever been power and money as an american eve . ...Expand 28
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    @EricPierreCantona3 years ago Being from argentina and a long time subscriber of this channel, while i appreciate all of your videos, this really is a special one and hits close to home. Thanks a lot for your work and content! 19
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    @kil-roy3 years ago Losi lived in ba about 10 years ago, and people throughout the area from avellaneda to la plata were still very scarred and living in fear from this period. 14
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    @javierelorza38513 years ago For any film buffs that might use the reference, and " enter the void" director gaspar noe was born in argentina and during this dictatorship because his father luis felipe noe was a paintor. ...Expand 11
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    @catoflado49773 years ago Here in brazil none of the generals, none of the torturers, none of the crimminals who tortured, persecuted, and killed tens of thousents of people were . ...Expand 32
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    @Bunkleberry3 years ago You think this is bad? Read about what the us sponsored in indonesia in 1965 and 1966. " the jakarta method" would be a good starting point. 25
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    @TovanAtreydeez3 years ago Please do a video about mexico and its history with neoliberalism. There' s a whole lot of us involvement there as well. There' s a reason why mexico was called once ' the perfect. 48
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    @Jon19p3 years ago The moment i saw the thumbnail, i knew it was about the last military dictatorship. Ive read extensively into their crimes, the mothers of the plaza de mayo, and the fall after the falklands war. 10
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    @tanjimpurno25603 years ago Keep bringing these amazing videos. I am sure this channel will be as popular as ted-ed one day. Love your contents. 16
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    @simonrodriguez46853 years ago The argentinians can tell you first hand about the type of democracy the us likes spreading. 24
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    @gupyb41653 years ago
    To note, a fall of intern food market in Argentina, a country specialized in agriculture.
    This, display junta governement's incompetence. ..
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    @gweegoop77813 years ago I feel like there could be a whole channel dedicated to the travesties kissinger committed. 23
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    @SimonSozzi72583 years ago My cousins came to live with us in 1980 after their mom, my aunt was disappeared. This is so difficult to watch. And look at what we just did to afghanistan. . ...Expand 11
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    @soapycorpses3 years ago I' m starting to get prageru ads on all of your videos, it' s getting scary. I know what it is, i know why, and it' s not the first time i' ve seen it happen, but it makes me nervous. Keep at it, fight them. 8
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    @yuven4373 years ago You guys are starting to deliver some quality stuff! 8
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    @psmith24033 years ago I am so thankful for this channel and the work you do. Thank you. 6
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    @migueljaramillo52523 years ago Thank you for including subtitles. I' m latino too, but i can barely understand this guys accent. 6
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    @lucaalbano11253 years ago Already a new video? You' re really productive, ain' t you? That' s really nice! 38
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    @Xsetsu2 years ago I believe this just may be your best video yet.
    fantastic work. Thank you.
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    @Errickfoxy3 years ago I can just hear it in my head, the people saying " but that can' t happen here" when it can happen anywhere if just the right people get just the right level of power. 5
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    @shawn88473 years ago Organize the communities, unionize the workers. 11
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    @Notllamalord3 years ago There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know - harry s. Truman. 3
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    @sailcat6623 years ago Throughout historyharsh austerity methods on the general populous always opens the gates to fascism. 7
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    @lewa39103 years ago History like this needs to be taught world wide. 6
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    @rainmaker30003 years ago I appreciate this channel for its unapologetic yet fascinating depths into history, facts, and perspectives we should consider against our modern day issues. That. And the us needs wake the heck up. 8
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    @themroc82312 years ago My uncle and my grandmother were tortured and killed on a death flight. My uncle was politically active, my grandmother was not. As a matter of fact, she survivors from the military school that served as their clandestine concentration camp and torture centre later testified that she also had to work as a midwife (something he had no training for) helping to birth the children of the pregnant political prisoners that were later stolen. ...Expand 3
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    @javierelorza38513 years ago Great to see a video from you guys covering my country' s horrible last dictatorship. Hopefully one day you cover the 70' s military juntas and school . ...Expand 6
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    @FUNKY_BUTTLOVIN3 years ago You guys put out some great content. I' d likely have never learned about this, if not for this video. 19
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    @aquaman4152 years ago These videos are excellent and so important. Thank you.
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    @debralegorreta13753 years ago Thank you pablo pryluka. Hope to hear from you again soon.
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    @BurgerFan19873 years ago This is great. Very informative. Please continue!
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    @valmid50693 years ago very interesting historical analysis, gravel institute!. 1
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    @moasto023 years ago Beautiful, excellent artwork. I love these. Please continue your hard work. God bless.
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    @alanfike3 years ago I' m 20 seconds in to your video, and i must' ve shouted, " ftbol! Ftbol! Ftbol! " at my screen a half a dozen times. 1
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    @devonbajek66553 years ago I truly appreciate the perspective in this video love hearing the complete truth of a country i only knew the surface level about. As always i found myself enjoying the content yall put out. 1
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    @misslabellekitty12983 years ago Thank you for this video! It' s very informative and telling.
    please consider doing some about places in the caribbean.
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    @specialsauce.3 years ago Very informative video! Really engaging and important to know!
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    @kit27703 years ago I took a university course on south american dictatorships, with half the course spent on argentina and the other half on chile. I' m so glad i took that course. 1
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    @popskism3 years ago Glad to see the history of brought to a more massive audience. This wound is still very recent, almost anyone here has friends or families with missing . ...Expand 7
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    @shump72023 years ago I learned about this in my spanish class in high school. Its incredible how almost nobody in the us knows about this. 2
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    @Bombseller113 years ago Great video, i always look forward to your videos. 21
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    @pieterv.71582 years ago Most grateful for this video. The brutality of the argentinian counterparts of the american proud boys was beyond belief. A whole generation of courageous . ...Expand 3
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    @abolishnato3 years ago The us is still doing this today but in the form of economic sanctions (and coups of course too) 17
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    @stevedaguy96393 years ago Love the motion graphic design in these. 1
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    @saml76103 years ago Fantastic piece, great stuff as always. You guys are doing a great job exposing just how corrupt and despotic the us regimes have been over the years. . ...Expand 9
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    @justkaizer43 years ago I remember once getting pushback from my friends when i said that trump was a wannabe fascist. Like that sort of thing was unthinkable in america. The . ...Expand 6
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    @qutuz94952 years ago Something similar is happening in egypt to a lesser extent. As usual, the us is also supporting the egyptian dictator, sisi. 3
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    @DaArcaneNinja3 years ago Gravel should cover more latin american countries! Story is very familiar among others and the consequence last to this day that the effects aren' t well addressed with governments spun stories they tell it' s citizens. ...Expand 6
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    @criticalhit0093 years ago So glad to hear everyone' s perspective and experiences in the comments. 1