Duration 4:00

مراجعة ليلة الامتحان ثانوية عامة اللغة الانجليزية المباشر والغير مباشر (قواعد الانجليزة ببساطة )2021 USA-ES

47 watched
Published 25 Jul 2021

Reported Speech الكلام المنقول 1) Statement الجملة الخبرية خطوات تحويل الجملة من كلام مباشر direct إلى كلام غير مباشر Reported : 1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى: Direct Reported direct Reported say to tell say say says to tells says says said to told said said 2- نحذف الأقواس و نربط بكلمة that التى يمكن الاستغناء عنها 3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى 4- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع نغير الضمائر فقط أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة كما يلى: Direct Reported Present simple مضارع بسيط Past simple ماضى بسيط Present continuous مضارع مستمر Past continuous ماضى مستمر Present perfect مضارع تام Past perfect ماضى تام Past simple ماضى بسيط Past perfect ماضى تام كما يتم تغيير الأفعال الناقصة كما يلى: Direct Reported Direct Reported will / shall would can could can’t couldn’t won’t wouldn’t may might must للضرورة had to كما نغير أسماء الإشارة و المكان و الكلمات الدالة على الزمن كما يلى: Direct Reported Direct Reported this year/month that year / month these those here there now then / at that time ago before today that day tonight that night tomorrow the next (following) day next year the following year the year after yesterday the day before the previous day last year the year before the previous year Examples: Direct Statement Reported Statement “It’s a busy day,” he said. He said it was a busy day. “I won’t see anyone until I’ve finished,” she said. She said she wouldn’t see anyone until she’d finished. “I’m taking my brother to the airport,” he said. He said he was taking his brother to the airport. He said, "I want to be a doctor.” He said that he wanted to be a doctor. She said, "I worked yesterday." She said she had worked the day before. He said to me, "I didn't finish my homework last night." He told me that he hadn't finished his homework the night before. ملاحظات: 1- إذا كان الكلام المباشر عبارة عن حقيقة علمية لا يحدث أى تغيير. و نغير الضمائر فقط فى حالة وجود said a moment ago / just now . Direct Statement Reported Statement He said, “Water boils when it’s heated.” He said water boils when it’s heated. - He said just now, "I'll visit you next week." He said just now that he'll visit me next week. 2- عندما يكون الكلام المباشر حقيقى فى لحظة الكلام يمكن أن يظل الزمن فى المضارع أو يتحول الى الماضى. Direct Statement Reported Statement “I’m two metres tall,” he said He said he is two metres tall. He said he was two metres tall. Direct Statement Reported Statement He said to me, "I'll buy a car if I have enough money.” He told me that he'd buy a car if he had enough money. 3- فى حالة قاعدة if يتغير الزمن فى الحالة الأولى فقط. 4- يمكن أن نستخدم أفعال أخرى بدلا من say مثل claim/ complain/ mention/ indicate/ assert/ agree/ promise/ admit/ explain/ inform Direct Statement Reported Statement He said, "I'm a surgeon." He claimed he was a surgeon. She said, "I spent a lot of time in hospital last year." She complained that she had spent a lot of time in hospital the previous year. He said, “I won’t tell anyone what you said.” He agreed he wouldn’t tell anyone what I had said. 5- الأفعال و التعبيرات الآتية تظل كما هى بدون تغييرwould / should / could / might used to/ ought to / would rather / had better / would like / it is time Direct Statement Reported Statement He said to me, “I’d like to go to the club.” He told me he’d like to go to the club. 6- اذا جاءت must فى جملة تعبر عن حقيقة أو عرف سائد أو نصيحة فلا تتغير. Direct Statement Reported Statement He said to me, “You must obey your parents.” He told me that I must obey my parents.


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