Duration 4:40

來自農村的孩子用最樸實的聲音演唱了這首難度極高的《天下無雙》The girl from a tiny village presented this high quality song.

1 761 588 watched
22.3 K
Published 5 Oct 2019

Music 天下無雙 (Unparalleled In The World) Singer 韓甜甜 (Han Tiantian) Lyrics 陳 彤 (Chen Tong) Composer 樊馨蔓 (Fan Xinman) 時 勇 (Shi Yong) Tutor 石棟穎 (Shi Dongying) #韩甜甜 #天下无双 =========================================== IG: @xstmusic Twitter: @xstmusic 如果喜歡我們的歌聲,記得點贊 訂閱 並打開小鈴鐺哦~ 大家壹點壹滴的關註和支持都將成為我們前行的動力! Please subscribe us and open the bell if you enjoyed our videos~ Your supporting will become our motivation of future. 歡迎投稿字幕及標題翻譯~ If anyone can translate Mandarin to their own languages, please just add it~ 小石頭和孩子們是由石棟穎老師帶領壹群顏值爆表、唱功紮實、活潑可愛、有獨特個性的孩子們組成。 STONE&CHILDREN (stone and children) is a group of Chinese children which have attractive appearance, solid singing skills with cheerful and lovely personality, lead by tutor Mr. Dongying Shi.


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